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                  the ARRL Central Division
Welcome to the ARRL Central Division - Director & Vice Director
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Central Division Director
surge vmess
Kermit Carlson W9XA
1150 McKee Street
Batavia, IL 60510
(630) 879-0983

Central Division Vice Director
Carl K9LA
Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA
1227 Pion Rd
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
(260) 637-6988
Subject: ARRL during the COVID-19 Shutdown vmess节点分享 Dear ARRL Central Division Member; The challenges that we now face are significantly different than anything our modern world has previously encountered. Over the past week we have fielded a number of emails with questions and suggestions about the ARRL and amateur operations. The most important advice that we can offer is to please follow the directives of your local health professionals and government authorities. On account of the orders of the Governor of Connecticut, the ARRL Headquarters has closed. All HQ operations are being conducted by remote with the staff working from home. Other than one or two people occasionally at 225 Main Street, the halls are empty. We do want to express our sincere thanks to the members of our Headquarters staff for keeping the lights on, even if by remote. This shift in operation was arranged with little warning and has provided an ongoing continuity through the diligent efforts of dozens of dedicated HQ staff members. Several members have inquired about the possibility of remote monitoring of VE Testing. The Alaska VEC does perform remote testing with proctors monitoring by online video. However, the Alaska VEC uses at least one proctor present at the testing location. With the current guidance of social distancing there are discussions on how a test could be administered completely by remote. The ARRL VEC has been developing an all-electronic method of testing but that is not ready for use. The Board and staff are expecting that no immediate change is possible under the circumstance but there are discussions within the Board of possibilities that are being explored. Here are answers to some the questions that have been asked about League operations and future League activities; Volunteer Examinations and the ARRL VEC - Due to the orders in place by the State of Connecticut, the VE office is closed with nobody in the building. The following information is provided by Mr. Barry Shelly, N1VXY, the ARRL CEO; Processing existing test sessions that have been submitted through our e-file web page and are transmitting those to the FCC for processing. The FCC is functioning and processing normally so far. Any sessions that had been mailed to HQ but not received by this past Monday (3/23) are not being processed because no one is at HQ to process them. Exams are being processed from sessions where the VE teams have the ability to scan and send PDF documents to ARRL VEC. Filing individual and club license changes and renewals that are emailed or phoned in directly to VEC continues as are the renewals which are forwarded from circulation staff and HQ staff. The ARRL VEC office is unable to processing test sessions which had been sent via mail since Monday (3/23). Paper exams are not being sent out because no one is in the office to do so, these limitations are due to the edict of the Governor of Connecticut. Also, the VEC office cannot process credit cards or checks until they are back in the office. VEC functions that can be done remotely are ongoing. Hamfests - If your group or club is postponing or cancelling a hamfest please email Eric Casey, KC2ERC, at ecasey@arrl.org with the updated information. To view hamfest and event cancellations, visit 走過不留痕跡:用半小時加密你的一切/QuincyLarson ...:2021-10-18 · /Quincy Larson每個人都有的電子郵件信箱,是最容易被忽視的個資罩門;如果信箱被攻破,入侵者不僅可伍閱讀通訊內容,還可伍重設你幾乎所有帳號的密碼。千萬別再覺得「反正我的email內容沒什麼好看的」,所伍就不重視它的安全了。https://cdn ... Field Day - There are no rule changes to those rules that were posted two months ago. A posting yesterday on the ARRL Web site answers most questions about the upcoming Field Day 2023. Please have a look at; Randell Messina Photography - vpn连接:2021-5-6 · 中天控股集团有限公司(简称“中天控股”)是一家伍工程服务、地产置业与社区服务、全产业链支撑为三大主营业务格局的大型伋业集团,总部位于中国浙江省杭州市钱江新城。下辖中天建设集团有限公司、中天美好集团有限公司、中天西北建设投资集团有限公司、中天华南建设投资集团有限公司 ... The concept is to work with whatever situation exists this year in June. The Field Day-2023 will be different because of this extreme situation, but it well be held. DE N1VXY, ARRL CEO - The following message was sent from interim ARRL CEO Barry Shelly, N1VXY, and was authored by ARRL Director of Operations Norm Fusaro, W3IZ; Here at HQ we have received lots of communications from our members either asking for guidance or offering suggestions during the current crisis. We hope everyone is adhering to CDC and local health department guidelines by staying home, maintaining safe distances when around people, and following sanitary practices. With many hams staying home there are opportunities to get on the air and call CQ or gather around the local repeater. We certainly do not need a reason to get on the air, after all, that is what hams do. In terms of ham radio preparedness, this current crisis has not disrupted communications on a national scale. We know many of our members practice and train for a personal radio communication capability that can be called on when disaster strikes. ARES volunteers and our partners in providing emergency communications already routinely monitor the information and requests from Emergency Coordinators and the like. Station and skills readiness are tenets of the Amateur Radio Service and this current crisis has not changed this. We can encourage members to remain safe, and to follow the guidelines and requests of their national and local government officials and public health leaders. For those members who are healthy and safe at home, we can encourage them to get on the air: Get on the air. As online fatigue and a feeling of isolation will inevitably creep into our new normal being on-air will introduce variety into our communication practices. As many of us are now housebound or working and studying from home, turning on a radio to connect with your ham radio peers will be a welcome respite! Radio Clubs. Think of this current challenge as an opportunity to encourage our club members to get on the air. Move (short) meetings to the club repeater, and encourage check-ins. Organize skeds, nets, and challenges. Try different bands (HF, VHF, UHF ) and modes. This will also help new radio amateurs gain practical operating experience. Readiness. Station and skills readiness are tenets of the Amateur Radio Service. Any time we spend on the air will contribute to developing and practicing our personal radio communication capability. If you are a radio amateur serving your community through the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) or by volunteering with any of our partners in providing public service communications, thank you. ARES members routinely monitor the information and requests from their ARES Emergency Coordinators. We are grateful for all the ways you stand-ready to support the emergency service personnel in your communities when disaster strikes. .... DE N1VXY The amateur community is filled with examples of hams helping hams, with health and wellness check-ins and extra nets being held on the local repeaters. We would like to mention that this is also a time to explore the possibility of conducting an online video conference meeting in place of the local in-person meeting. Several of us have been living a daily work life on Zoom and email, but one does adapt to the lack of "personal" contact. Please remember to take care of your neighbor and fellow amateur. The recommended social distance is 2 meters, but our contact can be as close as 2 meters, or any other band you choose. For instance, the Illinois ARES net on 3905 at 1200 Central has become a health and wellness daily net. Now is an excellent time to find new friends and old acquaintances on the air. Take care and stay well, 73, Kermit Carlson W9XA Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Central Division Director: Kermit A Carlson, W9XA w9xa@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear ARRL Central Division Member,

   Today the ARRL has announced the start of the new Volunteer Monitoring program effort which will be led by Mr. Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH.
Mr. Hollingsworth has most recently been serving as the ARRL Vice Director for the Atlantic Division. In the today's announcement is has been noted that Vice Director
Hollingsworth will resign from that position in order to begin the  implementation of this new ARRL program.

(The following article is from the ARRL Letter 2/14/19)

ARRL is getting underway with the development phase of the new Volunteer Monitor program and has contracted with former Atlantic Division Vice Director Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, to oversee
the development and implementation of the program, which replaces the Official Observers program. Hollingsworth, a retired Federal Communications Commission (FCC) enforcement official,
has resigned his vice directorship in order to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.

“I am grateful for the Atlantic Division ARRL members supporting me, but I think I can better serve the Atlantic Division, and all ARRL divisions, by working in the Volunteer Monitors program,”
Hollingsworth said in his resignation letter.

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, said that Hollingsworth is the ideal person to lead the ARRL’s efforts in the development and implementation of this joint program with the FCC. “I support
Riley’s decision to concentrate his efforts on this very valuable project  on behalf of the ARRL,” said Roderick.
(Details on appointment of a  new vice director for the Atlantic Division are still to be determined.)

The new Volunteer Monitors program, which was approved by the ARRL Board in July 2018, is a program of the ARRL in cooperation with the FCC in which volunteers trained and vetted by the ARRL
will  monitor the airwaves and collect evidence that can be used to correct  misconduct or recognize exemplary on-air operation.
Cases of flagrant  violations or noncompliance will be directed to the FCC by the ARRL  for action in accordance with guidelines establish by the FCC. The  intent of this program is to re-energize
enforcement efforts in the  Amateur Radio bands. It was proposed by the FCC in the wake of  several FCC regional office closures and a reduction in field staff.

Hollingsworth has identified three phases to the program – Development, Solicitation and Training, and Implementation.
The Development phase will include drafting a mission statement, clearly defining the ARRL’s and FCC’s requirements and needs as part of the program, writing a job description for the volunteer
manager position, and developing a training manual for volunteers.

The Solicitation and Training phase will involve identifying the geographic locations where volunteer monitors will be most needed, soliciting applications and screening applicants.
Current Official Observers will be invited to apply for appointment as Volunteer Monitors (VMs). The ARRL Board continues to express its appreciation  for the OOs and their dedicated volunteer
service over the years.

The Implementation phase of the program will involve having the volunteers providing field reports and ARRL staff providing guidance to the volunteers to ensure that the information collected meets FCC
requirements. In addition, there will be continuing education provided to the volunteers.

Hollingsworth has committed to FCC and ARRL officials to ensure the adequacy of training for the new positions, to review the quality and utility of Volunteer Monitor submissions to the FCC for
enforcement actions, and to advocate for rapid disposition of cases appropriately submitted to the FCC.

ARRL officials estimate that it will take 9 to 12 months for the first Volunteer Monitors to begin filing their reports.

(end of excerpt from the ARRL Letter 2/14/19)

   In other ARRL News,  the new ARES-2023 plan is posted on the ARRL website.
Please follow the link to;
vmess链接 for more detailed information.
With the recent departure of Mike Corey, KI1U, from the Emergency Manager position at HQ there will be a slight delay in the release of several portions of the program such as the
publication of Position Task Books.

   The ARRL Board meeting this past January was very productive in a  number of important areas.   If you are interested in the details of the meeting the final approved minutes
of  the ARRL January 2023 Annual Board Meeting have been posted at;

The new Proposed Rules and Procedures for the Ethics and Election Committee, referenced in the minutes as "Appendix A" has been posted at;

   As a reminder you can find the most current amateur radio news in the ARRL Letter at;
or, in order to receive this free weekly update on current ARRL events and ham radio news, subscribe by loging to your member account at
http://www.arrl.org , click "edit your profile", and add a checkmark next to the ARRL Letter.
  GUD DX es 73,
         Kermit W9XA

Former Wisconsin Section Manager Don Michalski, W9IXG, SK
08/11/2018  [ARRL]


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